Another season coming to a quick close!
We had a great community garden tour last weekend. For those of you who couldn't make it, I recommend going next year, we saw a whirlwind of action at various locations. We saw brand new gardens (Oliver, Queen Mary) and gardens where the sun is setting (Boyle Mcauley). We also saw everything in between. The guide for the event Anna V. has put together a photo album; you can have a peak here:
Things are ripening nicely at the farm, our Basil is in serious need of cropping! I tried this recipe the other night:
http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetarian-recipes/basic-pesto. Aside from the issue of a sore wrist, mortar and Pesto is the way to go!
The Corn is tasty as well, even if our more experienced gardeners would have us wait a few days! Remember there are plenty of baby carrots to be harvested and the beets are still lingering. Peak under the cucumber leaves for a good look at the crop. Your best bet at a full basket is to come out wednesday when the pros are coaxing harvests off the crops, they'll show you where the goods are, don't be afraid to ask!
The Bench Show put on by the Edmonton Horticultural Society is on this weekend.
Tomorrow night we can select a few choice specimens and show edmonton who UFOG is! You can brush up on your favorite categories here:
http://www.edmontonhort.com/bnchshow/EHSBenchShowbookletforwebsite.pdf. Submissions need to be down to the hangar at Fort Edmonton by 7:00am on Saturday, if anyone is interested in helping let us know tomorrow.

Last but not least... now that I've got you coming on Wednesday... Who says wine grapes can't grow in Edmonton? One of our newest editions to the club Victor 'The Oenophile' Wojeki has been studiously working away at procuring our group the best quality vines a northern climate can grow. Through discussion with the Quebec grape growers Victor was able to get 25 each of four varieties of vines shipped our way. The following varieties are at the farm and itching to be planted E.S. 8-2-43, Baltica, Marquette, and Frontenac.
Hope to see you out,